SmartHands Order
Smart Hands is an around-the-clock, on-site, operational support service for remote management, installation and troubleshooting of your data center equipment. Only an Equinix Customer Portal user with Smart Hands ordering permission may order Smart Hands.
See Integrate with Equinix Messaging Gateway for links on how to use the EMG Templates for ordering.
Equinix Messaging Gateway supports below SmartHands types. The below Operation Code and Service Attributes are passed in the request payload to indicate the SmartHands type.
Smarthands Type | Description | Operation | Service Details Attribute | Mandatory/Optional | Type | Example |
Category | ||||||
Request photos/documentation | Request an Equinix Data Center Technician to provide cage-related pictures or documentation | 0000 | CameraProvidedBy |
Optional - If documentOnly is true Mandatory - If documentOnly is false |
String | Expected Values: Equinix, Customer |
OnDateAndTime |
Optional - If documentOnly is true Mandatory - If documentOnly is false |
Boolean | Expected Values: true, false | |||
DocumentOnly | Optional | Boolean | Expected Values: true, false | |||
Summary |
Optional - If documentOnly is true Mandatory - If documentOnly is false |
String | "Cage 10 photo requested" | |||
SmartHand Other | Request a Smart Hands order not listed here | 0001 | ||||
SmartHand Cage Clean up | Request an Equinix Data Center Technician to clean your cage | 0002 | PermissionToDiscardBoxes | Optional | Boolean | Expected Values: true, false |
DampMoistMopRequired | Optional | Boolean | Expected Values: true, false | |||
SmartHand Shipment Unpack | Request inbound shipment unpacking and packaging disposal to an Equinix Data Center Technician | 0003 | InboundShipmentId | Optional | String |
Its the Order Number for corresponding Inbound Shipment Order that customer would have placed for its incoming shipment that he/she needs to be unpacked. RequesterId or ServicerId can be provided" |
CopyOfPackingSlipNeeded | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false This will result in a photo being sent to customer or copy of Packing slip stored for later customer use. |
DiscardShipmentMaterial | Optional | Boolean | Expected Values: true, false | |||
SmartHand Cage Escort | Request an Equinix IBX security escort for a visitor to access your cage | 0004 | DurationVisit | Optional | String |
Expected Value: "30 Minutes", "60 Minutes", "90 Minutes", "2 Hours", "2 Hours 30 Minutes", "3 Hours", "3 Hours 30 Minutes", "4 Hours" For longer hours, include 4 hours in the request schema and add details in the description field. |
OpenCabinetForVisitor | Optional | Boolean | Expected Values: true, false | |||
SupervisionReqForVisitor | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false Equinix personnel will be present for entire stay for supervised escort |
WorkVisitId | Optional | String |
Its the Order Number for corresponding Work Visit Order that customer would have placed for its visitor who needs to be escorted by Equinix Data Center technician. RequesterId or ServicerId can be provided. |
Equipment Install | Request equipment installation per your specifications by an Equinix Data Center Technician | 0005 | DeviceLocation | Optional | String | |
ElevationDrawingAttached | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false Equinix Data Center Technician to review the drawings if available. |
InstallationPoint | Optional | String | Textual definition of where to install equipment in cabinet. | |||
InstalledEquipmentPhotoRequired | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false Equinix Data Center Technician will send the photos via 2Way. |
MountHardwareIncluded | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false Equipment specific mounting hardware provided by customer. |
PatchDevices | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false If this flag is sent as ""true""; after hardware install, patchinfo will be used for further instructions on patching device. |
PatchingInfo |
Optional - If PatchDevices is 'N' Mandatory - If PatchDevices is 'Y' |
String | Dependent on PatchDevices for content being used in installation. | |||
PowerItOn | Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false If this flag is sent as ""true""; power will be connected to cabinet after install hardware If this is true then PatchInfo is required. |
NeedSupportFromASubmarine CableStationEngineer |
Optional | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false Equinix Data Center Specific: Specially trained technician to be available for Equinix Data Centers which can directly access submarine cables |
Request Cables | Request cables per your specifications | 0006 | Summary | Optional | String | Any additional details |
MediaType | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | String | Expected Values : [ Multi-mode 62.5mic, Multi-mode 50mic, Single-mode, Cat-5, Cat-6, Coax, POTS, T1, E1 ] | |||
ConnectorType | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | String | Expected Values: [ RJ45, SC, LC, BNC, Other ] | |||
Length | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | String | User should specify units. Ex: "20 ft" | |||
Quantity | Optional | String | Expected Values: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, >10 ] | |||
Locate Packages | Request the location of your packages at the Equinix Data Center | 0007 | InboundShipmentId | Optional | String |
Its the Order Number for corresponding Inbound Shipment Order that customer would have placed for its incoming shipment that he/she needs to be located RequesterId or ServicerId can be provided |
CarrierTrackingNumber | Optional | String | "323-12121" | |||
PossibleLocation | Optional | String | "Near cabinet 1010" | |||
PackageDescription | Optional | String | "It's small box with 1kg weight." | |||
Run Patch Cables | Request cables to be run between devices by an Equinix Data Center Technician | 0008 | Summary | Optional | String | Any additional details |
Quantity | Optional | String | Expected Values: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12+ ] | |||
JumperType | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | String | Expected Values: [ Jumper, Pre-Wiring, Patch Cable, Other ] | |||
MediaType | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | String | Expected Values: [ Multi-mode 62.5mic, Multi-mode 50mic, Single-mode, Cat-5, Cat-6, Coax,
POTS, T1, E1 ] Expected Values: [ RJ45, SC, LC, BNC, Other ] |
Connector | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | String | ||||
CableId | Optional | String | Expected Values: [ RJ45, SC, LC, BNC, Other ] | |||
ProvideTxRxLightLevels | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | Boolean |
Expected Values: true, false When this flag is set to ""true"", Equinix will report back to customer light levels when turned on" |
DeviceDetails | Optional | Array of DeviceDetails |
Though DeviceDetails is optional however if supplied all fields within need to be populated Ex:[ { ""Name"": ""Device Name"", ""Slot"": ""50"", ""Port"": ""50"" } ]" |
Patch Cable Install | Request patch cable installations per your specifications by an Equinix Data Center Technician | 0009 | CrossConnects | Optional | Array of CableInstall | "[ { ""SerialNumber"": ""string"", ""DeviceCabinet"": ""string"", ""DeviceConnectorType"": ""string"", ""DeviceDetails"": ""string"", ""DevicePort"": ""string"", ""LightLinkVerification"": true, //Optional ""Description"": ""string"" //Optional } ]" |
Move Patch Cable | Request patch cables to be moved between devices by an Equinix Data Center Technician | 0010 | Summary | Optional | String | Any additional details |
Quantity | Optional | String | Expected Values: : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12+ ] | |||
CableId | Optional | String | CableId as stored in AssetId and CrossConnect "A01-5-10"" OR ""None"" if not" | |||
CurrentDeviceDetails | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | DeviceDetails Object |
Though DeviceDetails is optional however if supplied all fields within need to be populated. Ex:[ { ""Name"": ""Device Name"", ""Slot"": ""50"", ""Port"": ""50"" } ]" |
NewDeviceDetails | Mandatory - If Quantity = 1 | DeviceDetails Object |
Though DeviceDetails is optional however if supplied all fields within need to be populated. Ex:[ { ""Name"": ""Device Name"", ""Slot"": ""50"", ""Port"": ""50"" } ]" |
Patch Cable Removal | Request patch cable removal per your specifications by an Equinix Data Center Technician | 0011 | CrossConnects | Optional | Array of CableDeinstallDetail | "[ { ""SerialNumber"": ""string"", ""DeviceCabinet"": ""string"", ""DeviceConnectorType"": ""string"", ""DeviceDetails"": ""string"", ""DevicePort"": ""string"", ""RemoveCableWhileLive"": true, //Optional ""Description"": ""string"" //Optional } ]" |
Large SmartHands Order | Request a Large_SmartHands_order. Any cabling request greater than 24 cables. Maximum limit: 200 cables. or Install Equipment build greater than 100 RU in total equipment size. Maximum limit: 500 RU’s. It usually takes 2-3 business days for Equinix to review the request order and assign the earliest available schedule date. |
0012 | Description | Mandatory | String | Cabling request of 50 cables |
Create SmartHands
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Create",
"Resource": "SmartHands",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"RequestorIdUnique": true,
"Operation": "0001",
"Description": "Create SmartHands Order",
"Attachments": [
"Name": "samplepicture.jpeg",
"Url": ""
"Location": "LD8:00:000000",
"CallContactBeforeStart": true,
"CallContactBeforeComplete": true,
"CustomerContact": "",
"SchedulingDetails": {
"RequestedStartDate": null,
"RequestedCompletionDate": null
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the create request schema is as follows:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Applicable Value(s) | Description |
Task | Yes | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. | |
ID | Yes | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. | |
Source | Yes | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. | |
Verb | Yes | String | Create | Indicates the action to be performed. |
Resource | Yes | String | SmartHands | Indicates the order type. |
ContentType | No | String | application/json | |
Version | Yes | String | 1.0 | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Yes | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. | |
RequestorId | Conditional | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. This attribute is only mandatory if RequestorIdUnique is true. | |
RequestorIdUnique | Yes | Boolean | true false | Indicates whether the RequestorId is unique. The default value for this attribute
is false. The RequestorId should not be referenced in any other ticket and if referenced
this operation will fail with a "400 - Bad Request". This field cannot be NULL. |
Operation | Yes | String | Indicates the SmartHands type. For example, 0002 is a SmartHands request to clean up the customer's cage. | |
Location | Yes | String | The location of the cage and cabinet where the SmartHands order is requested. | |
CallContactBeforeStart | Yes | Boolean | true false | When true, Equinix technician calls your designated Primary Technical Contact person before the work starts. |
CallContactBeforeComplete | Yes | Boolean | true false | When true, Equinix technician calls your designated Primary Technical Contact person once the work is completed (when completing and resolving the request). |
CustomerContact | Yes | String | The username or email address of the user registered with Equinix Customer Portal. CustomerContact is mandatory if "Verb" is create. | |
SchedulingDetails | Conditional | Object | An object containing the scheduling details of the SmartHands order. | |
RequestedStartDate | Conditional | String | Indicates the date and time at which the SmartHands must be started. The date and time (UTC timezone) follow ISO 8601 format. | |
RequestedCompletionDate | Conditional | String | Indicates the date and time at which the SmartHands must be completed. The date and time (UTC timezone) follow ISO 8601 format. | |
ServiceDetails | No | String | This attribute is common to all SmartHands types. Refer to SmartHands Operation and Service Details above. | |
Description | Yes | String | A detailed description of the scope of work. | |
Attachments | No | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for supporting this request. Expected Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] OR [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Id":<Attachment_Id>}] URL - URL to download the attachment 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx | |
AdditionalContacts | No | Array [{ Object}] | Can be used to overide details of TECHNICAL CONTACT sent as part of "CustomerContact" attribute. You can send details of non-registered contacts with Equinix Customer Portal | |
ContactType | Yes | String (Enum) | Type of Contact. Expected value : TECHNIICAL | |
Name | Yes | String | Full Name of the Contact, Eg. 'First_Name' + 'Last_Name' Supported Regex: ^[\s.]([^\s.][\s.]){0,100}$ | |
Yes | String | Valid email address of the contact. Should be <=100 characters Supported Regex: ^(([^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$ | ||
WorkPhoneCountryCode | Yes | String | Country Code of Primary Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…6] characters
Supported Regex: ^\+[0-9]{1,6}$ | |
WorkPhone | Yes | String | Primary Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…40] characters Supported Regex: ^[0-9\.\-() ]{2,40}(?:(x|ext)[0-9\.\-() ]{1,10})?$ | |
WorkPhonePrefToCall | No | String | Expected values are NEVER, ANYTIME, MY_BUSINESS_HOURS,IBX_BUSINESS_HOURS. Defauted to 'ANYTIME' | |
WorkPhoneTimeZone | No | String | Expected values are "Atlantic/Canary" "Europe/Dublin" "Europe/London" "Europe/Lisbon" "Africa/Algiers" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Amsterdam" "Europe/Copenhagen" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Paris" "Europe/Stockholm" "Europe/Zurich" "Europe/Warsaw" "Africa/Cairo" "Africa/Johannesburg" "Europe/Sofia" "Africa/Nairobi" "Asia/Jerusalem" "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Moscow" "Asia/Riyadh" "Asia/Dubai" "Asia/Kabul" "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Karachi" "Indian/Maldives" "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Rangoon" "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" "Asia/Brunei" "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" "Asia/Manila" "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore" "Asia/Taipei" "Australia/Perth" "Asia/Seoul" "Asia/Tokyo" "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Brisbane" "Pacific/Guam" "Australia/Adelaide" "Australia/Sydney" "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Chatham" "Indian/Christmas" "America/Scoresbysund" "Atlantic/South_Georgia" "America/Sao_Paulo" "America/Detroit" "America/New_York" "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Toronto" "America/Bogota" "America/Chicago" "America/Winnipeg" "America/Denver" "America/Edmonton" "America/Mexico_City" "America/Los_Angeles" "America/Vancouver" "America/Phoenix" "America/Anchorage" "Pacific/Gambier" "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Fiji" "Asia/Muscat" "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Caracas" "Etc/GMT+12" "UTC" "GMT" "America/Santiago" "America/St_Johns" "Asia/Almaty" "Asia/Bankgkok" "Asia/Calcutta" "Asia/Magadan" "Asia/Yekaterinburg" "Australia/Eucla" "Australia/Lord_Howe" "Europe/Bratislava" "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Rome" "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Midway" "Pacific/Tongatapu" | |
MobilePhoneCountryCode | No | String | Country Code of Mobile Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…6] characters Supported Regex: ^\+[0-9]{1,6}$ | |
MobilePhone | No | String | Mobile Phone of the contact. Should be within [1…40] characters Supported Regex: ^[0-9\.\-() ]{2,40}(?:(x|ext)[0-9\.\-() ]{1,10})?$ | |
MobilePhonePrefToCall | No | String | Expected values are NEVER, ANYTIME, MY_BUSINESS_HOURS,IBX_BUSINESS_HOURS. Defauted to 'ANYTIME' | |
MobilePhoneTimeZone | No | String | Please refer to 'WorkPhoneTimeZone' for expected values | |
Signature | Yes | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Response:
"Task": "{\"Id\":\"69352cff-4f00-4c42-9dce-a1b5e5ecc40b\",\"Source\":\"3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003\",\"Verb\":\"Ack\",\"Resource\":\"SmartHands\",\"ContentType\":\"application/json\",\"CreateTimeUTC\":\"2019-12-13T15:45:04.553Z\",\"Version\":\"1.0\",\"OriginationId\":\"bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0\",\"OriginationVerb\":\"Create\",\"Body\":{\"RequestorId\":\"123456789\",\"ServicerId\":\"1-199912345789\",\"StatusCode\":201,\"Description\":\"Equinix SmartHands: 1-199912345789 Was created in reference to : 123456789\",\"Object\":null}}",
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the create response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack". |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Smarthands order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Smarthands order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
StatusCode | String | The HTTP status code of the request. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Equinix SmartHands: 1-199912345789 Was created in reference to : 123456789" |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Update SmartHands
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "2352c576-fab3-4856-a431-0a4b55a2babe",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "SmartHands",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"State": "ReSubmit",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
"Attachments": [
"Name": "samplepicture.jpeg",
"Url": ""
"Description": "Update SmartHands Order"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the update request schema is as follows:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Applicable Value(s) | Description |
Task | Yes | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. | |
ID | Yes | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. | |
Source | Yes | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. | |
Verb | Yes | String | Update | Indicates the action to be performed. |
Resource | Yes | String | SmartHands | Indicates the order type. |
ContentType | No | String | application/json | |
Version | Yes | String | 1.0 | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Yes | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. | |
RequestorId | Conditional | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. This attribute is only mandatory if ServicerId is not provided. | |
State | No | String | ReSubmit | This attribute is only valid when the verb is 'Update' and must only be used when re-submitting an order. This Resubmits the existing SmartHands order and creates new Child order. |
ServicerId | Conditional | String | Indicates the SmartHands order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. This attribute is only mandatory if RequestorId is not provided. | |
Description | Yes | String | A detailed description of the scope of work. Further action may be required from Equinix or customer before order can be fulfilled. The following values are supported when updating order descriptions related to inbox negotiations: APPROVE - Approve order to proceed according to the proposed date and time from Equinix. APPROVE_NON_EXPEDITE - Approve order to proceed without expedite. The order is proceed according to standard scheduling CANCEL - Cancel order item. | |
Attachments | No | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for supporting this request. Expected Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx | |
Signature | Yes | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Response:
"Task": "{\"Id\":\"69352cff-4f00-4c42-9dce-a1b5e5ecc40b\",\"Source\":\"3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003\",\"Verb\":\"Ack\",\"Resource\":\"SmartHands\",\"ContentType\":\"application/json\",\"CreateTimeUTC\":\"2019-12-13T15:45:04.553Z\",\"Version\":\"1.0\",\"OriginationId\":\"bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0\",\"OriginationVerb\":\"Update\",\"Body\":{\"RequestorId\":\"123456789\",\"ServicerId\":\"1-199912345789\",\"StatusCode\":201,\"Description\":\"Equinix SmartHands: 1-199912345789 was updated\",\"Object\":null}}",
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the update response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack". |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the SmartHands order was updated at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Smarthands order ID created after the order was submitted. |
StatusCode | String | The HTTP status code of the request. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order updated. Ex: "Equinix SmartHands : 1-199912345789 was updated" |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Cancel SmartHands
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "63d7a57b-848a-4335-ab47-6c1aaee71b04",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "SmartHands",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"State": "Cancelled",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789"
"Description": "Cancel SmartHands Order"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the cancel request schema is as follows:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Applicable Value(s) | Description |
Task | Yes | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. | |
ID | Yes | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. | |
Source | Yes | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. | |
Verb | Yes | String | Update | Indicates the action to be performed. |
Resource | Yes | String | SmartHands | Indicates the order type. |
ContentType | No | String | application/json | |
Version | Yes | String | 1.0 | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Yes | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. | |
State | Yes | String | Cancelled | This attribute is only valid when the verb is 'Update' and must only be used when cancelling an order. |
RequestorId | Conditional | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. This attribute is only mandatory if ServicerId is not provided. | |
ServicerId | Conditional | String | true false | Indicates the SmartHands order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. This attribute is only mandatory if RequestorId is not provided. |
Description | Yes | String | A detailed description of the scope of work. This field can only be up to 3800 characters long. | |
Signature | Yes | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Response:
"Task": "{\"Id\":\"2f3b9c69-1446-46fa-b5c7-040421029c88\",\"Source\":\"3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003\",\"Verb\":\"Ack\",\"Resource\":\"SmartHands\",\"ContentType\":\"application/json\",\"CreateTimeUTC\":\"2019-12-13T15:53:33.084Z\",\"Version\":\"1.0\",\"OriginationId\":\"63d7a57b-848a-4335-ab47-6c1aaee71b04\",\"OriginationVerb\":\"Update\",\"Body\":{\"ServicerId\":\"1-199912345789\",\"RequestorId\":\"123456789\",\"StatusCode\":200,\"Description\":\"Equinix SmartHands: 1-199912345789 Was Cancelled\",\"Object\":[{\"Name\":\"cancelticket.jpeg\",\"Id\":\"f1797cd8-4508-434d-9998-3cf4545c7ca0\"}]}}",
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the cancel response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack". |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Smarthands order was cancelled at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the SmartHands order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
StatusCode | String | The HTTP status code of the request. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order cancelled. Ex: "Equinix SmartHands: 1-199912345789 Was Cancelled" |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Outgoing Notification
For more information, refer to Order Notifications - SmartHands.